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Work Health and Safety

We are fully committed to the health, safety and welfare of our employees, subcontractors, suppliers, consultants, and the general public who operate in and around our construction projects who may be affected by our day-to-day operations. We foster a health and safety conscious culture both on and off site. We ensure that all our sites operate with an approved Health and Safety Plan and that we meet all legal obligations and other health and safety requirements.

Our Work Health and Safety Manager is responsible for checking that all health ad safety requirements are met for each project, including any specific smoke-free or other health and safety requirements at your site.




We plan our projects to minimise the impact on the environment. We also minimise our use of natural resources where a suitable alternative is available.  During construction, we ensure that all sites operate within our Environmental -Management Plan ensuring pollution prevention and waste minimisation.




We plan, lead and control project delivery to comply with all contractual and statutory obligations. We communicate our quality assurance policy to all our employees and contractors and check that all personnel and contractors fully understand the expectations of quality. Where performance does not meet expectations, we take immediate and appropriate action. The quality assurance policy is revised every 24 months.


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